JICCEE is the secure AI solution specifically designed for the loss adjusting firms and legal firms that deal with industrial claims.
We provide valuable insights and automate the Claim analysis process with our unique expertise.
JICCEE reads the documents for you and helps you write your technical reports. It's easy to use, secured and you have full control over it.
Our internal databases enrich your experience and brings you valuable technical and legal insights.

Keep control
All the answers come with the relevant sources to make sure you understand the origin of the answers and that you can refer to the right quotation in the original text for your reports.
Our servers ensuring a strict confidentiality of the process and the respect of your binding Non Disclosure Agreements.
In practical terms, JICCEE creates your customised preliminary report in a few minutes (instead of hours) !
What JICCEE does:
Automates documents analysis (even images or handwritten), database crunching and web search to focus on what truly matters
Suggests a preliminary analysis of the situation and points of concerns to optimise the on site visit and interviews.
Connects to our unique knowledge base to enrich your analysis with previous incidents data