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Étudiant en droit

Law Firms

Imagine how much time you'd save every day if, even before reading a report or a new regulation, you could have a short summary tailored to your needs? You'd also know where to find the parts that interest you right away. 


At Jiccee, we help professionals concerned about the confidentiality of their documents and those entrusted to them to take advantage of the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence.

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Keep Control

Cloud services can promise the moon, we cannot check in details what happen and we have no choice but to trust t them.

To really keep control, simplicity is key. By running purely on your computer, JicceeDoc does not send anything to anybody. 

All assertions are sourced

An assertion without sources is worthless in front of other lawyers or in court. Hence JicceeDoc keeps track of the source material it has used to answer your questions and tells you where they are. 

Image de Pierre Bamin
Sac d'école en peluche

Load all the documents in one time

You don't remember in which document a topic is addressed? No problem. Just load all the files in one time and question the whole bucket of documents. 

Jargon is often an obstacle

We can not understand every specific term. Engineers struggle with law jargon and most Lawyers don't understand every specific Engineering branch. Our AI can understand jargon. Ask JicceeDoc to explain things in understandable terms and untangled the made-up complexity of the documents. 

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